Jamtime Refill
Jamtime is the time credit used on Jamorphosia to generate backtracks (songs from which an instrument has been removed). If you buy 30 minutes of jamtime and you delete an instrument on a 4 minute song, then you will have 26 minutes of jamtime left, which you can use later, anytime. This jamtime never expires.
And remember that when you use Jamorphosia you have the opportunity to listen to 1 minute of the final result before accepting to generate the entire song and use your available jamtime. If for any reason you decide that the extract from a minute listened to does not satisfy you, then no minute will be deducted from your jamtime.

+ 30 minutes on your jamtime credit
Or about 6 songs -
No time limit

+ 90 minutes on your jamtime credit
Or about 18 songs -
No time limit

+ 210 minutes on your jamtime credit
Or about 42 songs -
No time limit

Crazy Jammer
Unlimited Jamtime
Valid for 4 months